9:59 AM

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Google's new browser Chrome


i got suprised days before when i read in google about their new browser chrome.i feel many would have wondered like about why google launching their browser when they already funding firefox. Peoples feel its against Microsoft's IE 8 which is expected to be launched soon and to make themself prove they are still a giant in internet.Its up to them to know the reason behind it.But i personally feel chrome would find hard to compete with firefox .Anyway lets try Chrome..

7:00 AM

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Exercises for neck


The link between the back upper part of the head and the shoulders is the neck. Neck muscles include the splenius. These are responsible for neck rotation and the movement. Neck also holds the weight of the head in any position it is held and also works with the shoulder muscles in connecting the arms for carrying weights. Neck flexion is the common and the most effective exercise for working out neck and it also affects the abdomen.

Neck Flexion :

Steps to follow :

• It requires a bench, towel and metal weights ( one is enough )
• First take the towel and cover it around the weight ( wrap )
• Lie perpendicular to the bench with the portion just below your shoulders to totally rest on the bench
• Hold the weight now near your forehead
• You shouldnot use the hand to carry the weight, only support it
• Now bend forwards using your neck and try to touch the chest with your chin
• Rest it in the backwards
• repeat this exercise for 10 to 15 times

slight variation can be, raising and lowering of your upper body alone

Things to mind :

• As a natural tendency we try to push the head with force
• But the hand is holding, so dont try to push hard

Purpose and areas of effect :

• The basic purpose is to help the splenius muscle of neck to enhance
• The variation part if executed well can help in developing abdomen muscles also

6:25 AM

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The most common weight lifting exercises done for muscle called glutes and quadriceps is the squats.

Steps to follow :

• To do this you require a barbell and weights ( weights for persons of different levels ) and rack
• Place the barbell in parallel with the upper part of the chest
• Move towards the rack facing your shoulders and hold the barbell on both hands
• Now slowly remove the barbell from the rack and step forwards or away from the rack
• Raise up position from medium speed of your legs
• Hold the barbell until your legs are wide spread and balanced
• Place the barbell back on the rack slowly
• Repeat this for 5 or 6 times
• Adivsable to add weights only for experts

Things to mind :

• Avoid using higher weights while doing squats
• It is not advisable to do this more times
• Doctors claim it is sometimes harmful, since lot of knee effort and force is required

Purpose and areas of effect :

• They help in developing the glutes muscle and the quadriceps
• They also help body subject to more weight lifting
• The barbell rests on the shoulders and so some toning is done

6:24 AM

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Classification Exercises


Exercises that are exclusively for burning excess fat are called as fat burning exercises. They involve working out with muscles contraction at a rapid rate or slow pace. Some examples are running, jogging, swimming. Running and swimming require rapid rate whereas jogging requires only a slow pace. But all these are types of fat burning exercises. All types of exercises basically falls under two wide categories

• Aerobic
• Anaerobic

The terms look familiar but the difference between them is what that seperates the exercises and categories.

Aerobic exercises are exercises that demand oxygen presence to the muscles, which are also done in very slow pace that facilitates the intake of oxygen. Oxygen is the supporter of combustion. It burns the fat as well. So aerobic exercises are the vital fitness exercises that help to burn the excess fat. It is found that aerobic exercises burn more fat than these anaerobic exercises. The reason behind this is that aerobic exercises pump the heart more within its heart rate zone and demands the oxygen to be supplied to every part of the body. Thus thereby increasing the availability of oxygen and burning the excess fat. Persons with high cholesterol, belly fat, excess fat can do these kind of exercises on a regular basis. Jogging is a kind of aerobic exercise. That's why most doctors advice heart patients to go walking and jogging in the mornings. Morning air is unpolluted with excessive supply of fresh oxygen helping you naturally to burn out all excessive fat.

Anaerobic exercises are those that are done with no presence of oxygen ( logically not possible ) or with lesser oxygen. Since body cannot stay without oxygen, they are termed to be taking lesser intake of oxygen. Fats are substances with high carbohydarate content. Carbohydarates are hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons combust in the presence of oxygen to leave out Carbon-di-oxide and water. Since these anaerobic exercises have little presence of oxygen, they donot burn so much of fat like the one mentioned above. Still it is favoured by a few of the community. Persons with already well built body, but needs exercises to continuosly maintain their physique can practise these anaerobic exercises like running, swimming and other intensive workouts.

Most people think running as a type of aerobic exercise. Since morning time is ideal for running, it doesnt assume that they are part of aerobic exercises. While running, muscles try and push harder and doesnt intake the oxygen. Only blood vessels strain with the secretion of adrenaline ( an enzyme ). Once after you run and come to rest, the urge of need to intake oxygen is raised, but this oxygen is suffiecient enough to reach all of the muscles only and not to burn the excess fat. So it is advisable for persons with high fat, to walk and jog rather than to run. Learn to walk before you run.

While doing these exercises all our aim is to burn the excess fat. Here is a data value for all these exercises and their percentage of fat burning. Doing aerobic exercises allows your body to burn more fat than the anaerobic exercises. The variation here is the intensity in which both the exercises are carried out. In general all anaerobic exercises are carried out with faster rate. But for aerobic exercises, they can be done fast or slow depending on the level of the person doing such exercises. For doing an aerobic exercise in its advisable slow rate, it is determined that the body can burn upto 60 percentage of the fat. By increasing the intensity it has reduced to only 35 percentage of the effective fat burnt. Also it is determined that only 5 percent of the fat is burnt by doing anaerobic exercises. This is because of the lesser oxygen intake which has been described in detail.

The things here to note is, no exercise is good or bad. For some aerobic exercises may look extremely satisfied, but for others anaerobic exercises are advisable. It all depends on the individual, his physical fitness and the level. For a beginner with high cholesterol, aerobic exercises serve the best. They reduce the excess fat and turn him handsome in a few weeks. But for a man already fit enough, he cannot carry out normal aerobic exercises, because they are not sufficient enough to maintain his physical fitness. So it is necessary for him to take anaerobic exercises. For professionals, both are necessary and their intensity level vary.

6:22 AM

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Abs Exercises


Abdominal exercises are inturn shortly termed as abs exercise. One would imagine the a 6 pack abs by hearing abs exercises. But it is little way longer than anyone could imagine. There are atleast 100 different abs exercises treated with various slight degree of variation from each one of them. So it is a must to understand and do which one is exactly good for us to provide us with good results. Here are a few types of such abs exercises that has proven good for every kind of people who wish to have a 6 pack abs.

1. Bicycle Crunch
2. Captain's chair
3. Ball Crunch
4. Reverse Crunch
5. Oblique Crunch

Out of all these most favoured were the bicycle crunch, captain's chair and the ball crunch.

Bicycle Crunch :
You dont need any sophesticated instruments or tools to do this exercise. Some simple steps are

• Hold your hands to the back of your head and lie flat on the floor
• Remember to use a sheet on the floor
• Raise the left leg and bend the knee to forty five degrees
• Now keep the leg straight and move the other leg off the ground
• Slowing touching your left knee through the right elbow, lift your body ( dont do this vigorously until you are well trained )
• Switch with your left elbow and right knee similar to a cycle ( bicycle )
• Repeat this for 10 or 15 times
• On continuous workout this can be increased to 50 or 100 times also

Captain's Chair :
This requires an item found in gym commonly called as the captain's chair. The speciality of this exercise is that it increases the degrees your body strains in doing this exercise. Steps to do are

• Place your hands holding both the hands
• Stay flat with your elbow resting on the padded arm of the chair
• Here you have to move both of the knees towards your chest
• Then return them back to their old straight position
• Do this exercise for some 10 or 15 times daily
• On continuous workout it can be done for 25 or 30 times

The importance is that, since the knees are moving towards the chest, the cholestrol of the body gets burnt and the increase of body movement and degree of variation is significant and result a healthy fit body with a 6 pack abs.

A slight variation of this exercise can be done. For persons with high fat near the hip, belly side can do this by slightly twisting their legs when bringing near the chest. Important thing to note is that all these should be done slowly. No vigorous training until you have mastered them.

Ball Crunch :
This requires you to have a small or large ball, where you can lie with your back on the ball and your knees touching the ground. The steps involved are

6:21 AM

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The group of muscles near the rear part of the arm is the triceps. They are named as triceps group of muscles, because it is not a single muscle. Average triceps are twice as large as biceps. Triceps are larger than the biceps and hence effectively helps in lifting weights and lowering them, providing well balance no matter how small or large the weight is. They are also responsible for shoulder and elbow rotation. Workout done to tone and enhance triceps is the Close Grip Bench press.

Close Grip Bench Press

Steps to follow :

• It requires a barbell and a bench
• Sit on the bench
• Place both your hands a foot apart or half foot apart
• Hold the bar by both hands firmly
• Adjust the weights
• Pull the bar near the chest with both the hands until the arms are completely closer
• Slowly release it until the hands are completely extended
• Repeat this for 15 to 20 times
• Regular practising will tone the triceps well shaped

Things to mind :

• As with the regular barbell bench press dont let the bar bounce off
• Also dont let the bar come closer and rest in the chest
• Caution is required in doing the exercise
• Little amount of strain is enforced on the back and the neck so do it slowly

Purpose and areas of effect :

• Doing this exercise is a way to tone the triceps
• All the group of triceps muscles gets strengthened
• The shoulder muscles are also toned well
• Back bone and neck muscles are trained with strains
• The deltoid muscle groups of shoulders are also strengthened