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Exercises for neck


The link between the back upper part of the head and the shoulders is the neck. Neck muscles include the splenius. These are responsible for neck rotation and the movement. Neck also holds the weight of the head in any position it is held and also works with the shoulder muscles in connecting the arms for carrying weights. Neck flexion is the common and the most effective exercise for working out neck and it also affects the abdomen.

Neck Flexion :

Steps to follow :

• It requires a bench, towel and metal weights ( one is enough )
• First take the towel and cover it around the weight ( wrap )
• Lie perpendicular to the bench with the portion just below your shoulders to totally rest on the bench
• Hold the weight now near your forehead
• You shouldnot use the hand to carry the weight, only support it
• Now bend forwards using your neck and try to touch the chest with your chin
• Rest it in the backwards
• repeat this exercise for 10 to 15 times

slight variation can be, raising and lowering of your upper body alone

Things to mind :

• As a natural tendency we try to push the head with force
• But the hand is holding, so dont try to push hard

Purpose and areas of effect :

• The basic purpose is to help the splenius muscle of neck to enhance
• The variation part if executed well can help in developing abdomen muscles also
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